How Does DLP Work?

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Anexet DLP policies managed by Admin

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1. Data Monitoring

The DLP system analyzes and tracks data transfer within the corporate network and through external access points, such as email, cloud services, USB devices, and other means of data transfer.

2. Data Analysis

DLP categorizes data according to specified security rules and criteria. For example, confidential documents can be labeled as highly confidential, and the system will monitor their transmission and use.

3. Threat and Breach Detection

System uses various ways to detect potential threats. In the case of a data leak or security breach, the DLP system takes measures to prevent the data transmission, such as blocking and encrypting, sending alerts, and other threat-responsive actions.
The system controls the actions with confidential information, its movement, storage, and withdrawal outside the company's perimeter

Anexet Data Loss Protection

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Data Protection and Leak Prevention

The system controls the actions with confidential information, its movement, storage, and withdrawal outside the company's perimeter
  • Control information transmission on various channels, including messengers, email services, cloud storages, etc
  • Detect information leaks through external devices. If data is copied or transferred through such devices, you get notified
  • Create policy rules. The system can be configured to protect the necessary kind of data
  • Manage risks. Detect potentially dangerous employees and capture their actions at the workstation
Anexet servers

Anexet Servers

Block arrowBlocking the sending of confidential information

The Fight Against Corruption

The complex monitors employee communication, which allows you to identify conflicts of interest, cases of blackmail, attempts to receive bribes, and other corporate fraud
  • Control communication chains. It is possible to control all the ways of corporate communication to see potential threats
  • Find unloyal workers, who are looking for a new job or trying to contact the third parties
  • Find unusual connections and employees behavior patterns in communication
  • Detect insiders. Only chosen employees will have the access to the sensitive data
Employee communication analysis
CorruptionThe fact of corruption

Anexet Servers

Anexet servers

Company Security Officer

ArrowEmployee communication analysis
Corruption detectionArrowCorruption detection

Investigation of Incidents

The software records all the actions of employees, which allows you to retrospectively establish the details of what happened, conduct an investigation, and identify those involved
  • Control communication chains. It is possible to control all the ways of corporate communication to see potential threats
  • Find unloyal workers, who are looking for a new job or trying to contact the third parties
  • Find unusual connections and employees behavior patterns in communication
  • Detect insiders. Only chosen employees will have the access to the sensitive data

Anexet DLP


Company Security Officer

ArrowReferral of the case to the court

Control of Employees’ Working Hours

It allows you to track the activity of employees, including time spent at work, their actions and the use of computer resources
  • See how employees use the worktime: what do they do on the work place, what websites do they visit, etc
  • Take screenshots from employees’ monitors. Set triggers on events: launching an application, transferring an archive, etc
  • Record audio through the microphone and video from the webcams
  • Visualize connections between workers. Observe communication chains and conversation topics
Working userOverworking userConversationCoffeee break
Anexet servers

Anexet Servers

Detailed reports
Detailed reports


Document Control on Devices

Identify deviation from documents stored in violation of the organization's security policy
  • Prevent forgery. If an attempt to falsify a document is made, security officer receives a notification
  • Decrypt images and audio. The system can transcript images into text and convert audio messages into text
  • Detect certain words, phrases, word combinations. It helps identify malicious intentions from the very beginning
  • Track document transmission. If the employee tries to send a document or change it, the system prevents these actions
Doc filePdf fileTxt file
Doc fileConfidential
Doc file
Anexet servers

Anexet Servers

Approved Doc fileApproved Pdf fileApproved Txt file
Doc fileConfidential
Company Security Officer

Company Security Officer

The system controls the actions with confidential information

  • Control information transmission on various channels, including messengers, email services, cloud storages, etc. This is a strong protection for sensitive documents, such as the company's budgets and turnover, sales, plans for developing competitive advantages, as well as lists of the company's consumers that are of particular interest to competitors. If such a document is sent to third parties through any of the channels, this can be instantly tracked
  • Detect information leaks through external devices. If data is copied or transferred through such devices, you’ll get notified. Not only documents, but also databases, technical and engineering developments, drawings, patent inventions and other intellectual property products are at risk of leaking and dissemination. To prevent information of this kind from being transferred to unauthorized external devices (flash cards, disks, floppy disks, etc.), the system has a function of alerting and giving files a special status
  • Create policy rules. The system can be configured to protect the necessary kind of data. A business, depending on its size and specifics of activity, requires different levels of data protection. The ability to create your own security rules for business needs allows you to protect one or another layer of data and set response measures only to certain incidents, those that truly pose a threat to the security of the company and its employees
  • Manage risks. Detect potentially dangerous employees and capture their actions at the workstation. Statistics show that leaks and drains in companies most often occur due to the fault of employees, and it does not matter whether these actions were intentional or accidental. Monitoring the actions of employees will allow you to see what this or that employee is currently doing, with whom they are communicating inside and outside the company, with whom they are exchanging internal information, etc

The software package detects any corporate fraud

  • Control communication chains. It is possible to control all the ways of corporate communication to see potential threats. The chain of communications between employees in a company can be presented in the form of graphics, diagrams, and other visual elements. If there is a security risk, the graphics clearly demonstrates with whom the employee communicated, simplify the suppression of the incident and help identify the source of the potential threat
  • Find unloyal workers, who are looking for a new job or trying to contact the third parties. For employees of different departments, the need for programs, apps and services differs. If for the HR department, browsing job search sites is the part of daily work, then for any other employee, spending too much time on recruiting sites may indicate an intention to leave the company. The system allows you to see such unusual employee behavior and take action
  • DLP finds unusual connections and employees behavior patterns in communication. In the same way, accountants, lawyers, and financiers who have access to the company’s financial documents have the right to work with them, change and supplement them. But if, for example, a sales manager or technical support specialist gains access to such documents, this may indicate that the employee has dishonest intentions. The DLP system allows to control such incidents and set response rules
  • Detect insiders. Only chosen employees will have the access to the sensitive data. Avoiding insiders in a company can be difficult. In the absence of a data security system, employees who hold a grudge and want to cause harm to the organization, employees who feel they have been unfairly fired or demoted, can become a serious threat to the business. Even a loyal employee can become a source of dissemination of confidential information. The DLP system will help establish the access rights of different employees to sensitive information. Only authorized users will be able to perform actions with documents, including editing, copying, transferring, etc

The software is designed to investigate information security incidents

  • Organize information handling within the framework of security incident investigations
  • In the case of incident, the system helps to track the start of breach and find perpetrators. If a security incident does occur, the DLP system will allow you to track exactly how it happened and what led to it. If, for example, attackers got in the company’s internal network, the system will show what “helped” them to penetrate the company’s circuit (careless actions of an employee, flaws in the security system, or a deliberate leak of passwords and access data)
  • Create reports. Helps to find the reason and vulnerabilities in protection, and take prevention measures. Generating reports using a DLP system helps you see how and who interacts with sensitive information, and visualize these interactions. Reports can be generated on a variety of parameters
  • Use reports in court. In the case of trial, the company can use objective data from the investigation. The DLP system provides a complete and objective reports on the incident. If a company has a regime of commercial secrecy or a limited access regime, the DLP system becomes a legal tool that helps ensure the company’s information security, including by monitoring the actions of employees. DLP system reports can become serious evidence of the guilt of an unscrupulous employee if the matter comes to judicial proceedings

The software is designed to track the work activity of employees in a company

  • Track productivity. See how employees use the worktime: what do they do on the work place, what websites do they visit, etc. Unproductive use of working time by employees does not just negatively affect the company's economic performance. Excessive surfing on the Internet can lead to unintended consequences: clicking on phishing links, unintentionally disseminating important data, etc. The DLP system records the employee’s actions, helping to identify downtime and irrational use of working time
  • Take screenshots from employees’ monitors. Set triggers on events: launching an application, transferring an archive, etc. Creating security policies in the Anexet DLP system includes the function of setting trigger actions: installing and launching third-party applications, visiting certain sites, copying and transferring elements, etc
  • Record audio through the microphone and video from the webcameras. The DLP system allows you to take screenshots of an employee’s desktop, record audio from a microphone and video from a webcam. The security officer or other responsible person will be able to perform these actions on any computer with the agent installed
  • Visualize connections between workers. Observe communication chains and conversation topics. The Anexet DLP system is capable of controlling a huge number of messengers and email services. This allows you to track employee communications throughout the company circuit by setting keywords and phrases in the system

The software monitors the workflow and records all violations

  • Prevent forgery. If an attempt to falsify a document is made, security officer receives a notification. Making a false document from scratch, entering false data, forging signatures and seals — these corporate offenses are committed to conceal an error or unsatisfactory work results, as well as to obtain one’s own benefit. If an employee tries to make any changes to the document, the system immediately notifies the responsible persons about the incident
  • Decrypt images and audio. The system can transcript images into text and convert audio messages into text
  • Detect certain words, phrases, word combinations. It helps identify malicious intentions from the very beginning. To effectively and quickly view employee communications, the Anexet DLP system allows you to set keywords, word combinations and phrases that can be used to search through correspondence in any messengers supported by the system
  • Track document transmission. If the employee tries to send a document or change it, the system prevents these actions