
What functions does Anexet DLP perform?

Protects against data leaks
Create security policies for your organization to block employee dangerous actions
Analyzes risks
Track abnormal and potentially dangerous changes in the organization's employee behavior
Monitors employee actions in real time
Capture audio from a microphone connected to a workstation and remotely view a video from a user’s desktop
Helps to investigate security incidents
Organize information handling within the framework of security incident investigations
Generates reports on security policy violations
Get reports on security incidents (number of incidents, risks, investigations, etc.)
Anexet Activity working scheme
  • Anexet DLP allows controlling a large number of information transfer protocols with the help of pre-defined security policies
  • If security policies are violated, the information sent is blocked, security officers are notified and can start investigation
  • In addition to viewing reports, security officers are also able to analyze the employee's performance in real time

How does Anexet DLP work?

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DLP policies
Anexet DLP ImageAnexet DLP
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File operations
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Cloud storage
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Prevent data leakage and unwanted distribution of confidential information via the Internet
Control access and use of external devices, cloud storage, local network resources, and applications
Block outgoing network traffic transmitted via HTTP, SMTP, MAPI, ICAP, FTP, XMPP protocols and their encrypted analogs

Anexet DLP Security Policies

During work, if an employee tries to violate security policy rules, restrictions are triggered, employee's actions are blocked, and you are notified about the incident

Anexet DLP Advantages

  • is suitable for networks of any complexity
  • practically does not depend on characteristics of a customer’s hardware and software
  • integrates with company’s SIEM systems
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